god sent us a message

the other night. I don't primarily allude to the papal election here. I'm talking about the "Schwedenplatz incident". (Must have seen it on Pro7's Austria Top News - could't find any coverage on the internet, sorry.)
Anyways, there was this young man who got seriously injured and had to be brought into hospital when a gang attacked him on Schwedenplatz in the middle of the night. Now you might think: good thing that there are surveillance cameras on schwedenplatz since the 12th of April. Even if the police could not prevent the incident they will be able to identify the villains. The poor bloke probably thought so as well. But *pity deplore regret* the police had to admit that at that time of night the pictures the camera produces are of such poor quality that the attackers cannot be identified.
[Note to self: if being attacked on Schwedenplatz, make sure it is in broad daylight!]
So, I think what god was trying to tell us is that surveillance cameras and papal elections have something in common. They're both good for nothing.
kingmob - Do, 21. Apr, 22:31


since when do we have gangs in vienna?

feuerfisch - Fr, 22. Apr, 09:15

would you feel better if i replaced it with "some guys"? i can do that.

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